Reliable Educators and Community-Minded Homeschoolers Reliable Educators Christ & Community Minded Homeschoolers
Service Commitment

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace.”  ~I Peter 3:16

REACH Kzoo is a cooperative, meaning parents and teens have an integral role in the organization’s ability to provide a clean, safe and effective learning environment.

In order for our cooperative to function, we require parents and students (grades 6-12) to sign up for a service commitment at the time of class registration. Individuals unable to serve may pay the $150 (non-refundable) opt-out fee. 

We appreciate our members and the important roles they play in making REACH Kzoo community a great place to fellowship and learn.

Parent Commitment

One parent/guardian from each family will serve an allotted amount of time per year according to the table below:

Total Number of Family Classes = number of service hours

 1-2 Classes = 5 hours

 3-4 Classes = 10 hours

 5+ Classes = 15 hours

In the event a parent/guardian cannot be present to complete a chosen service duty slot, he/she is responsible for securing a substitute in order to avoid monetary penalty.

Student Commitment

We love our students! We believe the Lord has great things in store for each child, and view our students as people who have great potential and purpose.

At REACH Kzoo we enable our students, grades 6-12, to earn community service hours through various jobs during co-op on Wednesdays. Students select an opportunity based on a time that works with their class schedule and the needs of the community, and serve approximately 25 minutes per week.

Service time will be recorded and at the end of the year, students will receive a certificate reflecting the service hours completed. 

In the event a student cannot be present to complete his/her service duty job, he/she is responsible for securing a substitute in order to avoid monetary penalty.